Friday, September 9, 2011

This is the first post of DGB...
  1.    Please have some patients as we figure this out as this is our first blog.
  2.    We have started this blog to show the true colors of the liers spreading rumors and lies about the Iraqi dinar to pump up sales and take advantage of folks.
  3.    We do believe the IQD is a currency with a future.
  4.     We do want people to see these lowlifes for what they are.
  5.     Any input to this blog is appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. TerryK from GET is a good one and then theres Adam Montana from dinarvets, these guys would milk a snake dry with their lies.
    TerryK was kicked for lying and abusive sexual ineundos from EVERY decent site around and ended up with Al and Connie making his own.
